Thursday, October 1, 2009

New Government By Kimmer

Found this hanging up on our bulletin board. Kimmer had written it and had Rachel and Gracie sign. I wonder what set it off.

(Typed as written)
Madsen Constitution
We the girls of the madsen house hold, proclaim independence from others ruling over us. We beleive that each indevidual should have a say in every judgement. We claim that an oraganisation should be put forth to equal powers of this Madsen Family. We have listed some rights of each person should have.
(Signed, Rachel, Kimberly and Grace)

Bill of rights
  • The parents are the most powerful but if 3/4 disagree with the disition, it is unafficial.
  • Any one can proclaim trial. If the persons dessition is found selfish or unagreeable, they will be sentenced to cleaning
  • One can not be in control of another if they are under the age of 18
  • No trial can be set for protesting
  • Each person should have the same time for holding Jane, even if they have homework.
  • Trial can be scentanced if one person has too much tecnolagy or holding Jane, and will be scentanced according to the judge


  1. WOW! What a constitution. Kimmer definitely understands government. I love the equal time for holding Jane. What a great mind Kimmer has!

  2. Awesome! She is a lawyer in the making.

  3. So clever!! Jonathan and I had quite a chuckle.

  4. LOVED IT. I would vote for Kimmer anyday!

  5. I now think Kimmer is smarter than me. Very impressive!

  6. I think she will make a great conservative talk radio host someday.

  7. "Each person should have the same time for holding Jane, even if they have homework"

    That's my favorite!
