Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

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After having been given my most requested gift (that of sleeping in) I was given a darling menu with these choices:

Main Courses
Pancakes--sorry, no longer available because someone put chocolate chips in the batter.
Chocolate Chip Pancakes--yummy semi-sweet chocolate chips in a buttermilk batter.

Side Dishes
Fruit Salad--A combination of all the fruit we have.
Eggs--Scrambled or fried
Sausage--freshly cooked

Strawberry Smoothie--As simple as strawberries, milk and sugar.
Juice--apple, grape, pine-orange-banana, or orange
Milk--Scoot by the competition with fat-free milk!

We went with the choclate chip pancakes and strawberry smoothies. Yummy! (And convenient that I didn't choose juice or sausage since they were all frozen solid, nor fruit salad since that was pretty limited too).

I sure have great kids! (We also took pictures to send to Grandma, and so you can see that as well as great kids, I have cute kids too).


  1. Yay comments are back! I can't believe how old your girls are getting. Happy mother's day.

  2. Honestly - your daughters are amazing! So good to see that they appreciate the great mother you are!

  3. You have beautiful daughters! Aren't you glad you got Jane? Any boys in the future?
